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Bitcoin wallets review

Bitcoin Wallet

This is one of the oldest and most reliable ways to store and use bitcoins. This is a program that is installed on your computer and allows you to fully control your funds, verify and transmit transactions on the Bitcoin network, and maintain the security and confidentiality of your payments. The Bitcoin core wallet is also a full-fledged network node, that is, it stores and processes the entire history of Bitcoin transactions from the moment of its creation. This makes it very independent from third parties, but also requires a lot of disk space and a high-speed Internet connection. To install and use the Bitcoin core wallet, you need to download it from the official website or other trusted source, run the installer and follow the instructions on the screen. After installation, you will need to wait for the wallet to sync with the network, which may take several hours or days depending on your internet speed. Once synchronized, you will be able to create your Bitcoin address, send and receive payments, and configure various wallet settings such as fees, privacy, security, etc.


Это программа, которая позволяет вам хранить, отправлять и получать биткоины без необходимости скачивать весь блокчейн, что экономит место на диске и время синхронизации. Ваш кошелек защищен паролем и шифруется, а ваши приватные ключи никогда не покидают ваш компьютер. Вы также можете восстановить свой кошелек с помощью секретной фразы, если вы потеряете или повредите свое устройство. Electrum поддерживает различные функции, такие как мультиподпись, холодное хранение, проверка подлинности транзакций с помощью SPV и интеграция с аппаратными кошельками, такими как Trezor или Ledger. Electrum имеет версии для разных операционных систем, таких как Windows, Linux, macOS и Android


Sparrow wallet is a Bitcoin wallet with an emphasis on security, privacy and ease of use. Sparrow supports various types of scripts such as single and multi-signature, connects to an Electrum or Bitcoin Core server, interacts with popular hardware wallets, provides full control over coins and fees, and also contains a transaction editor and blockchain explorer. Sparrow doesn't hide information from you - on the contrary, it tries to give you as much detail as possible about your transactions and UTXOs, but in a way that is manageable and understandable.


Specter wallet is an interface for working with Bitcoin Core that focuses on security, coin control, single and multi-signature settings. Specter does not store your funds and works with all major hardware wallets. You can connect your wallet to a Bitcoin Core full node to validate and transmit transactions on the Bitcoin network, as well as configure various wallet settings such as fees, privacy, security, etc.


Wasabi wallet is an open source Bitcoin wallet that focuses on the privacy and security of your transactions. It uses CoinJoin technology, which allows you to combine your payments with those of other users to hide the true senders and recipients of bitcoins. Additionally, Wasabi wallet connects to the Tor network, which keeps your IP address anonymous and protects you from surveillance and censorship. Wasabi wallet also gives you full control over your coins, allowing you to choose which UTXOs (unspent transaction outputs) to use for each payment


Bither Wallet is a simple and secure multi-platform Bitcoin wallet. It allows you to choose between cold and hot storage modes and also supports various features such as multi-signature, HDM, address rotation, transaction verification, etc. The Bither wallet has versions for Windows, Linux, macOS, Android and iOS.


Edge Wallet is a mobile cryptocurrency wallet that supports receiving, sending, storing and exchanging between several different cryptocurrencies as well as ERC20 tokens. It was created by the former Airbitz team, which has been working on user-friendly security solutions since 2014. The Edge wallet has a simple and beautiful interface that allows you to easily manage your crypto assets. You can create your wallet using a username and password, which are encrypted and backed up on your device. You can also recover your wallet using your secret phrase if you lose or damage your device. The Edge wallet supports the following cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero, Ripple, Stellar, Dash, Dogecoin and others. You can also add your own ERC20 tokens or use ShapeShift's built-in exchange to exchange between different cryptocurrencies. Edge wallet also supports various features such as scanning QR codes, setting fees, connecting to hardware wallets, etc.


Green Wallet is an easy-to-use, multi-platform and open Bitcoin wallet developed by Blockstream. It adapts to your needs as you progress in your cryptocurrency self-custody journey. Green offers single and multi-sig accounts with two-factor authentication protection and can also be synced with your favorite hardware wallet. The Green wallet supports several languages, including Russian, and has versions for Windows, Linux, macOS, Android and iOS.


Unstoppable wallet is a mobile wallet for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Does not require trust in third parties, since you are in complete control of your funds and are not dependent on any custodian. Supports many cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero, Ripple, Stellar and others, as well as ERC20 and NFT tokens. Allows you to exchange cryptocurrencies within your wallet using integrated decentralized exchanges such as 1INCH, Uniswap, Pancake and others. Provides various features to enhance the security and privacy of your transactions, such as encryption, backup, two-factor authentication, address rotation, Tor network connection, etc. It has open source code and a transparent development process, which allows you to check its functionality and reliability. It has a simple and beautiful interface that makes it easy to manage your crypto assets and receive up-to-date information about the market.